July 17, 2012
No Nap Henry on the loose!
slightly out of order, trying to catch up on posting
Today is the second weekday since Grandma headed back to Wisconsin with just our little family at home. Jason is on paternity leave yet this week, but I'm trying to handle both boys on my own as much as possible so that I get used to taking care of them on my own and Jason has a chance to catch up on some work and home projects this week. Yesterday didn't go so well.
We spent a lazy morning snacking on a plate of breakfast goodies Jason makes for us each morning and watching a variety of kids cartoons. Sam has been pretty easy so far, mostly just needing a clean diaper, to be fed and put back to sleep with an hour or two of awake/alert time twice a day. Whenever I put him on the blanket for tummy-time, Henry lies on the floor next to him giving hugs, shaking his hand, finding his feet or rubbing his back.
By noon I was touched out. Breastfeeding the baby and having Henry crawling on me, pointing out features on my face, rubbing my hair, running trains all over my legs, arms, in my sleeves and attempting in my hair I just needed a little space and to get us both out of the house. The whole family packed up and headed to Mighty Fine for some lunch and some playtime on the playground. Henry has become quite adventurous on the playground equipment. The monkey bars there start with horizontal bars and end 8 feet up tilted to vertical. It's a little scary watching him climbing up that high even with Jason ready to catch him at any moment, but once he scaled it the first time there was no stopping him.

Running some energy off Henry was a good thing, or so we thought. He fell asleep in the car just as we entered our neighborhood. We quietly took him out of the car, carried him upstairs and once his body hit the bed he was awake. We read story after story but every time we'd leave the room he'd be upset and still awake. He fought the nap most of the afternoon and spent a lot of time reading his books. We let him out of his room for a bit figuring that we'd try the nap again in an hour or so. Tried again and nope, just wouldn't nap. We took down his toddler rail on the bed since he was just using it to make noise by pounding it against the bed and kick at it. We probably didn't need it anyways, he sleeps against the wall usually with his legs between the wall and the bed.
Dinner actually went well. Made him something other than white bread toast, mac and cheese, black beans or mandarin oranges (go to foods he'll normally eat) and had rotini and meatballs with tomato sauce.