July 31, 2012 -
Day of Firsts and a goodbye
First Movie - Jason, Sam and I went to Baby Day at Alamo Drafthouse to see Batman, The Dark Knight Rises. Sam slept through all but the last 20 minutes of the movie.
First bottle - Jason gave Sam his first bottle. We decided to give Sam a bottle at least once a week so that he will take a bottle and we might be able to leave him with a sitter sometime in the next year. We learned from Henry not to start this process too much later or he might not ever take a bottle like Henry.
First tub bath - we finally progressed from sponge baths on the counter to putting Sam in the bathtub. After the initial shock of the water he calms and seems to like being in the tub.
Today my grandparents' retirement home was sold. I remember the long drive up to northern Wisconsin with my grandma when my grandparents moved out of their condo and into a little apartment waiting for their home to be completed. Though I haven't been there to visit in years the house holds alot of wonderful memories. Grandma's carefully planned, prepared delicious meals and desserts, bad jokes and stories from Grandpa, campfires, shooting fireworks off the deck, driving up there on my own, deer hunting preparations, when I was of legal drinking age ordering a drink at the bar with Grandpa when we'd go out for fish fry and so many more great times. So hard to believe it's been almost 7 years that Grandpa has been gone, 12 years for Grandma and that they'll never get to see me married and with two boys of my own.
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