Sunday, December 5, 2010

8 months old!

Oops....I meant to post this about a week ago.
This month we've tried many more foods, including mixed foods.  I'm starting to make a few of his purees but still buying some premade food.  So far I've made sweet potato, butternut squash and green bean purees.  He really likes Earth's Best Apples and Blueberries mix, but his favorite food is still sweet potato.  I take that back, it might be BACON.  Not that he's getting that everyday or week. I thought I'd let him taste bacon the other morning at breakfast and he fought me when I tried to take it from him. 

His two bottom teeth now show much more and he likes to bite everything and everyone.  No other teeth are visible yet.  He's getting around much better with an army (belly) crawl and keeps trying new ways to crawl.  He hasn't figured out to stay on his hands and knees yet, but will get his butt high in the air.  He loves to sit up and will stay seated for a long time without toppling over. Lately, all he wants to do is stand.  He's pretty wobbly on his legs but rather stand against the couch or coffee table than be laying on the floor.  Henry is still testing out his vocal chords and learning that if he puts anything against his mouth and makes noise it sounds different.  He loves to laugh when you laugh and has become more ticklish.  He still loves peek-a-boo and will pull the burp cloth off your face to find you.  His two favorite songs that make him smile or stop what fussing over are Lady Gaga - Bad Romance (Daddy sings) or 5 Little Monkeys (Mama sings).  Mostly he likes whenever we sing to him.  He's currently wearing mostly 18 month clothes.

He also loves to knock over the towers we build out of legos or stacking cups.  Grandma Brenda and Great Grandma Margaret were having alot of fun playing this game with Henry when they were here to visit.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Eating (Video) - Month 8 (Oct 27- Nov 26, 2010)

Hopefully this works!

Crawling Videos - Month 8 (Oct 27- Nov 26, 2010)

Texas Stars Hockey - Month 8 (Oct 27 - Nov 26, 2010)

One of Jason's coworkers invited us to a Texas Stars game in early November.  Texas and hockey didn't seem like a winning combination but we thought it might be fun and Henry could "see" his first hockey game. Henry had a blast even though it was a little loud and cool in the arena.

If only it weren't so blurry,  but you can see how much fun he was having.

8 month picture

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Visit with Santa!

Grandma and Great Grandma are in town so we decided it would be a great time to go see Santa.  Santa didn't want Henry to touch his beard and got upset but we got at least this one good photo before he broke into tears. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Opening Day of Deer Hunting

Henry is all set in his camo suit and going to bed dreaming of opening day of deer hunting with Grandpa, Uncle Matt and Great Uncle Jim!  Happy hunting!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jeff's Wedding - Month 7 (Sept 27- Oct 26, 2010)

On Thursday October 21 we all went on a big adventure to travel to Jeff and Rita's wedding.  That meant another airplane trip for Henry (first trip was at 10 weeks old for Great Uncle Jim and Great Aunt Erin's wedding)!  He's going to have more frequent flyer miles before he's one years old than I did by the time I was 18.  The trip to the airport made Henry very hungry....

We got to Atlanta without problem.  Henry ate and slept a bit on the plane and was pretty content playing on our laps and getting smiles from the other passengers.   Henry and Daddy had fun trying to figure out how to change a diaper in the airplane restroom that didn't have a table or much of a flat surface.

The next morning we got to start meeting all of the relatives that were staying at the same hotel.  We got to see Meme, Pepe, Abuelo David, Femy, Aunt Denise, Aunt Lynda and Uncle Donald first. 

Great Uncle Donald

Later that day we went to the wedding rehearsal and dinner.  There we got to meet Uncle Jeff, Aunt Rita, Aunt Heidi, Uncle Pete and Great Grandma Margaret for the first time.  

Uncle Jeff

Great Grandma Margaret

After a late night and some sleep it was Uncle Jeff and Aunt Rita's wedding day!  It was a special day so we had to put Henry in special clothes for the occasion.  All I can say is he was WAY TOO CUTE!

Henry and I were escorted into the beautiful church by Daddy.  We were able to stay in the church long enough to see the wedding party and the bride walk in before Henry got to antsy and talkative (bababa).
We spent most of the wedding behind the soundproof windows in the back of the church but could hear what was going on in the service and play and eat while we waited.  We came back in just in time to see Rita and Jeff announced as husband and wife.  

We were able to get a few pics of the 4 generations of Jason's family.  Henry, Jason, Abuelo David and Pepe.

After getting a little lost on the way to the reception we made it to the Fernbank Museum.  We got to see more of our relatives, eat, dance and take in the beautiful room.  Other than the large dinosaur in the room you wouldn't have known it was a museum.  Here are a bunch of pictures from the night.

Head table

First Dance

Groom's cake

Henry and Abuelo

Proud Daddy


Great Uncle Daniel

Grandma Brenda

And one final pic of my little family....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Looking Back: November 5th 2009

One year ago today Jason and I learned that our little baby was a BOY!  We were so excited to see him on the screen with all his fingers and toes!  He was only 9oz but they could see all his organs, bones and all 4 chambers of the heart.  It was so amazing!

I called my mother, father and mother-in-law from the parking lot to tell them our news.  I think I scared my mother-in-law because she usually doesn't get calls from me at work, but I was too excited and wanted to share the news with everyone. 

Monday, November 1, 2010


Yesterday was Henry's First Halloween!

Saturday night we carved our three pumpkins

Halloween we had some of the neighbors over to grill out and hang out for the evening.  That way everyone could talk, go trick-or-treating or hand out their candy all from our yard.  Henry was thrilled to "help" with the candy when the others went trick-or-treating even if it meant diving into the bowl to get the best candy.

Which pumpkin is Henry??

By the end of the night we had one tuckered out little pumpkin.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Farm - Month 7 (Sept 27-Oct 26, 2010)

October 17th we went to the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm.  This means we actually left Williamson/Travis county for something other than going to an airport!  After an hour drive to Elgin we finally made it out to the farm.  I thought the terrain was going to be too hard to push a stroller through so we just carried Henry and the diaperbag.  Turned out that most people used their strollers, but we weren't heading back to the car and Henry likes being in the sling.  While we were there we got to see some puppies, ducks, goats, and a llama.  He was just waking up from his nap in the car so he wasn't very interested in the animals.  Then we went to see the pumpkins.  He played in the pumpkins a bit, hitting them and (eww) licking them and we got a few cute photos. 

Later we tried out the swing set.  This was the first time we had put him on a swing and he wasn't quite sure what we were doing to him.  He had a worried look on his face most of the time but had a good time. 

Next we went on a hayride.  Even though it was a bit loud Henry loved the tractor that pulled us, watching the driver and the wheels the whole time.  Anytime we were walking around the farm and the tractor went by he would watch it.  Our last activity on the farm was to walk through the corn maze.  Mostly we went in circles and dodged young kids running through it until we got back out, but Henry liked it.  On our way back home we stopped at Meyer's and tried some of the famous Elgin sausage and other bbq we had heard so much about.  Overall, great bbq but the sauce was only okay.