Saturday, September 24, 2011

Spaghetti video

Mastering the face smash technique with spaghetti


We attend 10+ Round Rock Express Games every summer and this year Henry has had many encounters with their mascot, Spike.  He watches for Spike walking through the stands and the second he spots him he stops whatever he is doing and points at him.  Spike often comes through our section so Henry has been able to give him a high-five, hug and play peek-a-boo with him.

another game

and another game

Squirt Bottle

Henry has figured out how to use a squirt bottle - 7/28/11 - 16months

16 month old picture!

16 months old!

add info

Sunday, September 11, 2011

New Toy Box!

7/16/11  New toy box arrives!

Future Football player?

Or as Grandma likes to say "‎2033 Packer quarterback!"


Spaghetti is a favorite fun (messy) meal now!

Itsy Bitsy Spider Dance

Itsy Bitsy Spider Dance 6/29/11 - 15 months

How do the fishies eat?

how do the fishies eat? 6/4/11 14 months

Dancing with Grandma B

Dancing with Grandma B - 5/30/11 14 months

dancing and twirling

dancing and twirling 5/8/11 14months

15 months old!

Weight:  28 lbs 9 oz      92nd percentile
Height:  31.25 inches    56th percentile

First Haircut June 12th.  Nice and short for the summer.

Eating Habits: Eats nearly everything and absolutely loves berries and grapes.  He still loves black beans and  could eat nearly and entire can a week if we let him.  Will eat yogurt on a spoon or mommy's oatmeal.  He tries to feed himself once we load up the spoon with food.  He can get it to his mouth or near his mouth if we don't study the food as it falls off the spoon.  We started giving him whole milk with his lunch and dinner most days, so far he isn't a fan.  

Motor Skills: Learning to feed himself with a spoon.  Hasn't grasped scooping with the spoon but can get the scoop end to his mouth.  He's signing to us more often.  Mostly signing "more" when he wants milk, sometimes signs "milk", signs "all done" and every so often "cheese".  He can pull himself up on a kitchen chair.  He's also nearly figured out how to scale the mesh baby-gates.  He will also press buttons on the DVD player to try and watch his videos.  Henry has figured out how to put his Legos together.  New chore this month : press the button to open or close the garage door.  Henry has figured out velcro and will undo his diaper when not wearing pants over it. 

Sleeping Habits:  Still wakes up about once or twice a night, mostly waking around 4am or if we're lucky sleeping through until 8:30 or 9am. Goes to bed between 9:15 and 10pm after he nurses and Jason reads Lake Wobegan Days by Garrison Keillor.  Every few days he attempts to only take his morning nap, and skip the afternoon, but it hasn't worked out and he gets super grumpy and naps.  His morning nap is 2.5-3 hours after he wakes up for about and hour to 1.5 hours.  Afternoon nap about 3.5-4.5hours after he wakes up from morning nap.  

Speech:     points to Jason and says da, ball, vroom (while pushing vehicles) cat, hi, hello, how are you (ow r oo), bye, mumuma (only when upset or wants something), and says "meow" about a 100x a day whenever he sees the cats or any other animal.

Teeth :  8 teeth, we keep hoping molars are coming due to some really cranky nights

Clothing: wearing all 24 month/2T size clothes

Other:   Started Music Together class and swim lessons at Aqua-Tots.  We also love going to the splash pad at the park and getting soaked.  He's started to respond to his "Your Baby Can Read" videos and will wave  touch his toes and clap when they do.  He is always dancing whenever music comes on commercials or his video and we've been trying to capture more of it on video.  He's started to notice "Spike" the Round Rock Express mascot and will point to him when he spots him across the crowd or field and track his movements until he is out of view again.

15 month picture!

Henry doing an interpretive dance

First Haircut

First Haircut June 12

We went to Sharkey Cuts for Kids on Sunday June 12 for Henry's first haircut.  He got to sit in a cherry red Ferrari F430 and watch Dumbo while they cut his hair.  He stayed in the car for most of the haircut and only noticed the lady cutting his hair every so often.  About 75% done with haircut she thought that he was getting too wrapped up in the cape and decided to take it off Henry.  He thought this meant he was done and he started to get wiggly.  Jason held him while she did a little more trimming.  We put him back in the chair so she could use the clippers on a bit of the back and he did great!  We took lots of pictures and have a lock of his hair for his baby book too.

Waterpark fun!

Henry has so much fun at the splashpad.  The worst part is slathering us both up with gallons of sunscreen and walking to the water in the 100+ degree heat, but once we're there it's a great time and easy to cool off.  Henry is usually playing with buckets or cups in the many shooting fountains or running across the splashpad to see what the big kids are doing.  I can barely keep up with him he moves so fast at times.  He loves playing in the water.

14 month picture!

14 months old!

Short but sweet....

  • Henry got the Chicken Pox!  3 weeks after receiving the vaccine.  They think he was exposed just before he got the vaccine (we think probably when we went to play at the mall)
  • A few days after Henry got the chicken pox Jason came down with Hand, Foot and mouth and was quarantined to the first floor away from Henry and I until he felt better.
  • While playing with Henry on the guest bed I tried to catch his leg before he went off the bed head-first and broke my ring finger.
  • Grandma B came to visit over Memorial day weekend and taught Henrya new skill, to knock on doors.