WALKING!!!! That pretty much sums up the month.
Eating Habits: Still wants nothing to do with pureed food. Tried macaroni and cheese, bits of smoked chicken, cake and whipped cream, toasted bagette, mango, kiwi, wheat crackers, grits (didn't like), french toast, eating yogurt again, pot roast. Most meals he's eating what we are eating.
Motor Skills: Started out the month lunging/diving between furniture just out of reach to taking a few steps to being able to walk across the entire room before falling down and usually carrying toys with him a week later. After 3 weeks he figured out how to stand up in the middle of the room without pulling up on something. He's also started to pointing at things, usually the cats. After an afternoon watching his buddy Cash, he is clapping. He's figured out that his little cars have wheels and which side to put against the table to make them roll back and forth. He's also figured out how to throw the ball, not neccessarily in a certain direction.
Sleeping Habits: Still wakes up about once a night, some nights sleeping straight until 6am, but wakes up more often lately. Goes to bed between 9:30 and 10:30 after he nurses and Jason reads us Lord of the Rings (almost done ~60 pages to go) and gets up between 7 and 9am. Ideally takes two naps a day (45min - 2 hours), morning nap about 2.5-3 hours after he gets up, and afternoon nap either in the car while we run errands or 4 hours after our morning nap.
Speech: Still alot of babbling but I think his first word is "Ball" or BA when pointing at the ball or picking it up.
Other: We started going to a sign language class learning some basic signs, eating, family, animals. Jason and I have been doing some basic signs with him since December and this month he signed "milk" and his version of "all done". He's having fun at the class, interacting with new kids and adults. He really enjoys (and will stop and pay attention) when we are singing and signing songs.
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