Thursday, January 27, 2011

10 months old!

Eating Habits: Wants nothing to do with pureed food most days and only wants to feed himself.  Loves Cheerios, Gerber Puffs and black beans.  Drinking out of a sippy cup and using a straw-sippy cup.  Tried egg yolk, frozen mixed veggies, broccoli, brown rice, couscous, meatball, pasta, cranberry sauce, pancakes, peas and carrots.

Motor Skills: Crawling quickly to go longer distances, pulls up on walls, soft furniture or people to standing, cruising along walls and furniture usually with a toy in one hand.  He's started to place the stacking cups within each other and can grab just one lego or stacking cup off the towers we build for him.  He's also learned to use tools.  He can use the mallet to hit on the pound-a-peg, the xylophone or drum.  Walks behind is rolling dinosaur just hasn't learned to steer or that you can't walk through walls.

Sleeping Habits:  Wakes up about once a night, some nights sleeping straight until 6am, but wakes up more often when he was getting his top two teeth in or had a cold.  Goes to bed between 9:30 and 10:30 after he nurses and Jason reads us Lord of the Rings (almost done ~900 pages so far) and gets up between 7 and 8:30am.  Ideally takes two naps a day, morning nap about 2 hours after he gets up, and afternoon nap either in the car while we run errands or 4 hours after our morning nap. 

Speech: Nearly everything is da da da or ba ba ba, but at the end of the month he started with ma ma ma or mum mum mum.

Other:  Mommy-clinginess, shy of strangers, must study people before smiling at them (ongoing)

Walking with the Dino

1/9/11 - 9 months old

When babies attack!

1/15/11 - 9.5 months old

The Refrigerator

Ignore my lame commentary.....

1/7/11 - 9 months old

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Christmas 2010

Grandma Carol and Uncle Matt drove from Wisconsin to celebrate with us.  Opening gifts with a 9 month old is a long process.  A single piece of wrapping paper or ribbon can entertain him for quite some time, so we helped him open some of his gifts to move the process along.  Here are some of the highlights

 Awesome shark hat and mittens from Uncle Jim and Aunt Erin! 

We also took a ride on the carousel at the mall.

9 months old!

I'm sure I'm forgetting things since I'm writing this about a month late.....

Weight : 25lb 3oz  97th percentile
Height : 28.25"      51st percentile

Eating Habits: starting to eat finger foods.  Gerber puffs and Cheerios mostly. 

Motor Skills: 12/14/10 - can get to sitting position on own, pulling up on furniture.  Xmas- standing against furniture and can let go for 5-10 seconds.

Sleeping Habits: sleep from 10pm-7 or 8am most nights, waking up 1-2 times many nights probably due to new milestones of standing, sitting on his own and eating more solids.

Speech: Lots of babbling, mostly bababa and dadada

Other:   studies new people with a serious expression on his face before he decides to smile at them.  Dislikes Santa's lap (mall santa and company party santa),   TMI-Solid poop

9 month picture!

Just a few days (weeks) late.....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Family and Santa Henry Professional Pics

1 week before Christmas we finally got some professional pictures done for our cards and as some gifts.  Some day we'll be more organized and get things done in time for Christmas, not to mail them out after. 

Tree and Santa Henry pics

Friday, January 7, 2011

Our First Real Christmas Tree!

Henry ready to tree shop!

Just fit on my FIT!

8.5 feet, 800 lights and decorated!

Visit with Santa! (Take 2)

We went to Jason's work Children's Holiday Party complete with petting zoo and Santa.  We thought maybe this would be a better santa than the less than child-friendly mall santa, but Henry doesn't understand the big guy yet and cried.

Henry's First Thanksgiving

December was crazy, so I'm trying to catch up but still post some of the important events.

Grandma Brenda and Great Grandma Margaret came to visit and spend Thanksgiving with us.  Jason smoked a turkey and I prepared all the usual side dishes.  Henry had his own version of Thanksgiving meal in puree form, but he really liked it.

Yum!  Smoked Turkey!

Henry's Dinner

We got to spend Saturday when Uncle Jeff flew in for the weekend.