On Thursday October 21 we all went on a big adventure to travel to Jeff and Rita's wedding. That meant another airplane trip for Henry (first trip was at 10 weeks old for Great Uncle Jim and Great Aunt Erin's wedding)! He's going to have more frequent flyer miles before he's one years old than I did by the time I was 18. The trip to the airport made Henry very hungry....
We got to Atlanta without problem. Henry ate and slept a bit on the plane and was pretty content playing on our laps and getting smiles from the other passengers. Henry and Daddy had fun trying to figure out how to change a diaper in the airplane restroom that didn't have a table or much of a flat surface.
The next morning we got to start meeting all of the relatives that were staying at the same hotel. We got to see Meme, Pepe, Abuelo David, Femy, Aunt Denise, Aunt Lynda and Uncle Donald first.
Great Uncle Donald
Later that day we went to the wedding rehearsal and dinner. There we got to meet Uncle Jeff, Aunt Rita, Aunt Heidi, Uncle Pete and Great Grandma Margaret for the first time.
Uncle Jeff
Great Grandma Margaret
After a late night and some sleep it was Uncle Jeff and Aunt Rita's wedding day! It was a special day so we had to put Henry in special clothes for the occasion. All I can say is he was WAY TOO CUTE!
Henry and I were escorted into the beautiful church by Daddy. We were able to stay in the church long enough to see the wedding party and the bride walk in before Henry got to antsy and talkative (bababa).
We spent most of the wedding behind the soundproof windows in the back of the church but could hear what was going on in the service and play and eat while we waited. We came back in just in time to see Rita and Jeff announced as husband and wife.
We were able to get a few pics of the 4 generations of Jason's family. Henry, Jason, Abuelo David and Pepe.
After getting a little lost on the way to the reception we made it to the Fernbank Museum. We got to see more of our relatives, eat, dance and take in the beautiful room. Other than the large dinosaur in the room you wouldn't have known it was a museum. Here are a bunch of pictures from the night.
And one final pic of my little family....