Sunday, December 5, 2010

8 months old!

Oops....I meant to post this about a week ago.
This month we've tried many more foods, including mixed foods.  I'm starting to make a few of his purees but still buying some premade food.  So far I've made sweet potato, butternut squash and green bean purees.  He really likes Earth's Best Apples and Blueberries mix, but his favorite food is still sweet potato.  I take that back, it might be BACON.  Not that he's getting that everyday or week. I thought I'd let him taste bacon the other morning at breakfast and he fought me when I tried to take it from him. 

His two bottom teeth now show much more and he likes to bite everything and everyone.  No other teeth are visible yet.  He's getting around much better with an army (belly) crawl and keeps trying new ways to crawl.  He hasn't figured out to stay on his hands and knees yet, but will get his butt high in the air.  He loves to sit up and will stay seated for a long time without toppling over. Lately, all he wants to do is stand.  He's pretty wobbly on his legs but rather stand against the couch or coffee table than be laying on the floor.  Henry is still testing out his vocal chords and learning that if he puts anything against his mouth and makes noise it sounds different.  He loves to laugh when you laugh and has become more ticklish.  He still loves peek-a-boo and will pull the burp cloth off your face to find you.  His two favorite songs that make him smile or stop what fussing over are Lady Gaga - Bad Romance (Daddy sings) or 5 Little Monkeys (Mama sings).  Mostly he likes whenever we sing to him.  He's currently wearing mostly 18 month clothes.

He also loves to knock over the towers we build out of legos or stacking cups.  Grandma Brenda and Great Grandma Margaret were having alot of fun playing this game with Henry when they were here to visit.