Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Farm - Month 7 (Sept 27-Oct 26, 2010)

October 17th we went to the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm.  This means we actually left Williamson/Travis county for something other than going to an airport!  After an hour drive to Elgin we finally made it out to the farm.  I thought the terrain was going to be too hard to push a stroller through so we just carried Henry and the diaperbag.  Turned out that most people used their strollers, but we weren't heading back to the car and Henry likes being in the sling.  While we were there we got to see some puppies, ducks, goats, and a llama.  He was just waking up from his nap in the car so he wasn't very interested in the animals.  Then we went to see the pumpkins.  He played in the pumpkins a bit, hitting them and (eww) licking them and we got a few cute photos. 

Later we tried out the swing set.  This was the first time we had put him on a swing and he wasn't quite sure what we were doing to him.  He had a worried look on his face most of the time but had a good time. 

Next we went on a hayride.  Even though it was a bit loud Henry loved the tractor that pulled us, watching the driver and the wheels the whole time.  Anytime we were walking around the farm and the tractor went by he would watch it.  Our last activity on the farm was to walk through the corn maze.  Mostly we went in circles and dodged young kids running through it until we got back out, but Henry liked it.  On our way back home we stopped at Meyer's and tried some of the famous Elgin sausage and other bbq we had heard so much about.  Overall, great bbq but the sauce was only okay.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

7 months old!

Henry is 7 months old!  I can't believe how much our lives have changed in the last 7 months.  It's gone by so fast, weren't we just bringing him home?  This has been a very busy month for us with lots of activities and some milestones. 

At the beginning of the month he had just started to turn over from tummy to back and back to tummy, but now he's mastered rolling and use it to get across the room to get to toys or to explore.  He hates obstacles, walls and large items that get in the way of him getting where he wants and gets frustrated when the wall just won't get out of his way.  Small toys aren't an issue, he just rolls over them.  He's also started rolling over in bed and has started to sleep on his side or his belly.  He has also found his toes and grabs them or at his socks whenever he gets a chance.  He's waking up many nights this month to eat or when his foot has been stuck in between the slats of the crib.  He's starting to push up onto his toes and hands (baby yoga plank), scooch backwards and nearly army crawl (lunge forward with one arm, belly on the ground and pushing with his feet a little).  It won't be long and we'll have a crawler!

He also enjoys sitting up and playing with his toys, I think he likes the new perspective of things.  He can't get to a seated position on his own but can stay up for 30 seconds or more seated until he topples over.

This month seems like it's been an ongoing growth spurt, constantly eating.  More than likely he's had a bit of a growth spurt, but he's also become very easily distracted while eating, so we eat more often for a few minutes at a time.  October 1st we tried our "real" food, sweet potato!  Success!  He ate some, he wore some and had fun with the spoon.  We also ate rice cereal, peas, carrots, green beans, pears, bananas and prunes throughout the month.  Later in the month he figured out he gets to eat more quickly if he doesn't help us with the spoon. He really likes sucking on an apple or cantalope.  He seems to like most of the foods we've given him but isn't thrilled with rice cereal.  We still have a few more fruit and veggie purees to try out before we move onto some chunkier or mixed versions.  I hope to start making more of his food this next month. 

Early in the month Henry's first teeth cut through.  He's getting the bottom two middle teeth simultaneously.  They are sharp and he likes to bite anything he can get his hands on, including other people's fingers.  He doesn't seem too bothered by the teeth coming in just every so often he has a short cry/scream that we think is about his teeth.  We haven't been able to get a good picture of them yet, but will keep trying.

Henry has also become much more vocal these last two weeks.  He's been testing his voice with lots of bababas, a few mamamas, and oooow sounds.  He also likes to make noise while putting his thumb in his mouth or a toy.  He's started laughing when we tickle him, laughs when you laugh and still loves peek-a-boo!

Since our car was stolen at the end of August so we needed to go car shopping.  Henry behaved for most of it but after a while just got tired of being confined in the carseat.  Eventually we decided on the 2010 Honda Fit Sport, and it still took almost 4 hours to leave with the car.  But while at the dealership Henry was given his first balloon.  He had a blast with it, watching it float, pulling on the string, and bouncing it off mom, dad, the camera and himself.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First Blog Post

After 7 months of Henry being part of our lives and reading all my other mommy-friends blogs, I've decided  to start my own blog.  I'll be using it as a way to keep track of some of Henry's milestones and to share some of the fun things we do day to day.  I hope my friends and family enjoy seeing what we are up to since so many of you are so far away.  I'm still playing with the layout and overall design but until then...Let the blogging begin!